My blog is not normally too in depth. :) I don't know why - Maybe I just don't like to think that much. Anyways, last night when I was reading my Bible I ran into one of my favorite passages and thought that I'd share. It's John 8:48-59. My favorite part is at the end when Jesus is talking about Abraham. The Jews said that Jesus wasn't even 50 years old so how in the world could he have seen Abraham. Jesus says in verse 59 "I tell you the truth, before Abraham was born, I am!". Wouldn't you just love to see the Jews faces when Jesus said that?!?
Sometimes Daniel just jokingly asks me what he should preach about. I always tell him the I Am's. It is kind of our running joke. He's never done it yet. One of the last times I went to church with my parents my Dad preached on some of the I Am's. I had to come home of course and tell Daniel that I my idea made a great sermon! :)
On the adoption front - Our agency got our life book and will start showing it when a birth mom meets our profile. I'm pretty excited!
My parents just left and I just realized I didn't take a single picture while they were here. Please accept my apologies for a photoless post!
戦国basara 秀吉 255649-戦国basara 秀吉 ねね
3 years ago
Hey, I just want to tell you again that I am so excited for your next adoption and I'll be praying for the perfect match.
I loved this post, Jamie! You are such a precious woman! I am catching up on your blog and am SOO excited about a new Sweet baby! I am really looking forward to following your journey.
I would say its time to update! Im being a loyal blogger!!! haha
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