Whew! We just got home from an amazing week at teen camp. This was our first year to go to camp with our current youth ministry. Camp always proves to be an awesome bonding experience. We all had a great time in fellowship and worship. The Justin Cofield Band did music. We got to know them several years ago at camp. They are great people. Afshin Ziafat was the speaker. He has an awesome testimony and did a great job speaking. We had two salvations in our group. Several students also committed to dedicating this upcoming school year to winning their schools for Christ. It was awesome!
Luke had a great time. He had 35 baby sitters all week! The guys thought that he helped them pick up chicks. Nana and Papa also were at camp. They enjoyed being able to see Luke for a week. Luke loved being pushed around in the stroller. Thank goodness for that stroller! I only had to carry him up the hills twice all week and I thought I was going to die by the time that we got to the cabin!!! Pretty pathetic, I know! Luke also loved pushing the stroller. That would keep him entertained for quite a while.
Well, lots to do now! Laundry, catching up, etc... Hope y'all had a great week!
戦国basara 秀吉 255649-戦国basara 秀吉 ねね
3 years ago
Looks like your week was as busy as our VBS week - but we didn't get to experience any slime! :) Bless you for being a part of this ministry. (I still remember some of my teenage camp counselors!) I think it is really super that Luke went along, too. I'm sure he had a grand time with the big kids, and I bet the big kids learned a thing or two about Vietnam in the process!
What an amazing week for you and the teens. We also thank you for your dedication and ministry to the youth. It is great to see how much love the older kids were giving to Luke - he's so cute.
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